Polytechnic University of the Philippines http://www.pup.edu.ph/ News and articles from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Copyright 1998-2024 Polytechnic University of the Philippines. All rights reserved. en-ph Sat, 27 Jul 2024 17:46:11 GMT https://www.pup.edu.ph/rss/news/ PUPWebSite 10 InfoCore Engine 3.0 PUP Communication Management Office webmaster@pup.edu.ph ILS-DOLE, PUP COC, ARCDO collab for career development seminar Piolo Cudal, Paul Bryan Bio, News, PUP Campus Journalists <br/><p>The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) under the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), together with the PUP College of Communication (COC) and PUP Alumni Relations and Career Development Office (ARCDO), organized the #TrabahongTrending: Youth is the Future of Work, a career development seminar for senior communication research students on July 17 at Bulwagang Bonifacio of the University.</p> <p>The event aimed to equip young professionals with critical tools and insights to thrive in the evolving labor landscape, featuring esteemed speakers.</p> <p>In her opening remarks, Atty. Mary Grace L. Riguer-Teodosio, Deputy Executive Director III of ILS, emphasized the importance of career development seminars and the role of youth as “propellers” in the nation’s progress.</p> <p>The seminar covered various topics, including the current labor market situation, basic labor rights, productive career choices, and the perspectives of Generation Z in the workplace.</p> <p><strong>Charting the intricacies of the labor landscape</strong><br /> Bureau of Labor and Local Employment Officer III Nelly-Ann Projo began by addressing the current state of the country’s labor market, emphasizing its stable momentum in both employment and unemployment rates.</p> <p>“The Filipino labor force has proven remarkably resilient and adaptable evidenced by the sustained performance in labor and employment indicators, signaling a vibrant employment situation. Overall, we see that the economy and the labor market has been able to bounce back from its pre-pandemic level but the challenge for us now is how to sustain this consistent limit or end-of-plan target. So makikita natin na ’yong trend line sa employment ay pataas naman habang decreasing sa unemployment,” Projo said.</p> <p><em>(So as we can see, the trend line for employment is increasing while decreasing for unemployment.)</em></p> <p>She also presented the Jobs and Labor Market Forecast by the DOLE Regional Office, highlighting in-demand occupations across key growth sectors. These sectors include the medical field, construction, architecture and engineering, services and tourism, information technology, business processing, and platform work.</p> <p>Given the rapidly evolving nature of work and the societal issues driving unprecedented transformations in the labor market, Projo stressed the need for “urgent and decisive action” to foster inclusive, high-quality, and productive employment opportunities.</p> <p>Labor Mediator-Arbiter Atty. Ramon A. Saura III from the Bureau of Labor Relations discussed basic labor rights, differentiating workers’ rights and management prerogatives, and why they matter in the labor landscape.</p> <p>“Kapag sinabing obligation sa mga manggagawa, definitely ’yong mga how to respect and obey the management prerogatives. Pero ang sinasabi ko lang, in the absence of bad faith and in violation of the workers’ rights ay na-uphold ang ating management prerogatives. In reverse, kapag in bad faith siya [management prerogatives] at abuso sa workers’ rights natin, it can be a labor dispute,” he explained.</p> <p><em>(When we say “obligation” of workers, it definitely includes how to respect and obey management prerogatives. But what I’m saying is, in the absence of bad faith and violation of workers’ rights, our management prerogatives are upheld. In reverse, if management prerogatives are exercised in bad faith and abuse workers’ rights, it can lead to a labor dispute.)</em></p> <p>Meanwhile, Reena May Ibanez, Labor and Employment Officer II at the National Wages and Productivity Commission, enlightened students on the concept of a “productive worker” as they prepare to enter the workforce. She also highlighted productive career choices, work ethics, and the five core values in the workplace.</p> <p>The seminar also featured Senior Labor and Employment Officer Athena Mari E. Son from the Employment Research Division of ILS, who presented her research paper titled “Generation Z in the Philippine Labor Force: Profile, Perspectives, and Prospects.” Her presentation underscored the necessity of comprehensive labor market information to safeguard the welfare of young people and ensure their access to opportunities.</p> <p><strong>Gearing up before grad</strong><br /> “What’s next?” is a common question for graduating students. Despite holding their hard-earned diploma, the uncertainties of life outside of university still loom large.</p> <p>Brent Yuri Jurado, a graduating Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research (BACR), believes seminars like this are crucial because they address the state of the labor market today and recommend holding them “annually.”</p> <p>“Through this kind of seminar, I’ll be equipped with the right knowledge para meron akong babaunin after graduation so that I won’t be super lost sa mga gusto kong trabaho,” he added.</p> <p><em>(...so that I would have something to look back on after graduation for me not to feel lost to the work that I truly desire).</em></p> <p>Meanwhile, Allyssa Mae Flores, also a graduating student, shared how she initially felt afraid upon learning about the disproportionate work between AI and humans in the labor market.</p> <p>However, Flores also believes that such seminars provide her with assurance amid concerns about a “bleak future” and “graduation blues,” emphasizing their continued relevance despite technological advancements.</p> <p>“Sinabi doon sa talk na kahit 2.2 million ’yong job seekers, 2.4 [million] naman ’yong job openings na nandoon. So kailangan mo lang talaga to actively do the work para makakuha ka ng trabaho and para maging isa ka sa mga industry na emerging ngayon,” Flores added.</p> <p><em>(It was mentioned in the talk that even though there are 2.2 million job seekers, there are 2.4 [million] job openings available. We just have to actively do the work for us to land a job and to be one of the emerging industries today.)</em></p> <p><strong>Employers’ top choice</strong><br /> In 2023, PUP was once again hailed as a top university choice for employers, as reported by employment platform <a href="https://www.facebook.com/JobstreetPH/posts/pfbid0T4D5csZYxRwFWoUUc69RwGEMfkRMzFSdFdeSt72zmQd1SS62fNfxhiXkMeeEDSPrl" target="_blank">JobStreet</a>. The University maintained its prominence in fields such as Information Technology (IT), HR management, call centers, manufacturing, and wholesale trading.</p> <p>As such, Dr. Hemmady S. Mora, former dean of the PUP COC, underscored in her talk the qualities that make PUP graduates preferred by employers, including humility, teachability, independence, and strong internship performance, among others.</p> <p>For Jurado, however, this fact presents a double-edged sword. According to him, one negative aspect of PUP being the top choice for employers is that graduates are susceptible to exploitation.</p> <p>“Madali silang [PUP graduates] mautusan kasi nga sabi nila, resilient daw tayo,” he said.</p> <p><em>(They follow easily [PUP graduates] because they say that we are resilient).</em></p> <p>However, Jurado also sees a positive side to this situation, as PUP graduates already have the limelight in the labor market, which he believes “says a lot about PUP and its students.”</p> <p><strong>Aspects to improve</strong><br /> Apart from the positive factors, Dr. Mora also pointed out the negative traits of PUPians that employers hope to see improved.</p> <p>The former dean highlighted that PUP students need more confidence and better business correspondence skills. She also noted their tendency towards radical assertiveness, discussing instances where applicants were asked about their activism.</p> <p>Such inquiries could be better addressed, Dr. Mora noted, if the applicant adhered to the true definition of activism, advising students on the importance of selecting companies that align with their life principles.</p> <p>When asked how to improve these negative traits before entering the workforce, Jurado said he would focus on “improving” his self-confidence by gaining more knowledge and skills.</p> <p>According to ARCDO Director Engr. Florinda Oquindo, partnerships like this will help students “bridge the gap” between research and reality. It will also empower them, she said, to navigate their workforce journey in the future.</p> <p>“This will be a great opportunity for communication research majors because this will foster a strong connection between the academic institution and ILS, leading to a collaborative research and knowledge-building in the future. Lastly, to spark your interest in the current labor landscape. We believe that young adults are crucial for shaping a better future of work. By participating in Trabahong Trending, you directly contributed to these goals,” she concluded.</p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=oaZNOR4LtqA%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:10:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=oaZNOR4LtqA%3d UP, PwC launch Learning and Experience Hub, first of its kind in PH industry Melanie Jimenez-Reyes, News, Communication Management Office <br/><p>Isla Lipana & Co./PwC and PUP have launched a learning and experience hub to bridge academia and industry needs. The hub is located at a property for PUP previously known as the PUP-BPO Center, now turned into a hub for the benefit of hundreds of Iskolar ng Bayan.</p> <p>Central to the aim of this learning and experience hub is its approach to internships. The hub will offer paid internships to students from various programs including accountancy, engineering, human resource management, hotel and restaurant management, and business administration to name a few. In this hub, students will gain training under experts and senior partners of PwC to apply their academic knowledge to real-world scenarios in the workplace.</p> <p>This hub will also open job opportunities for neighboring communities for PWDs, senior citizens, and out-of-school youth, promoting inclusivity and equity in all endeavors of PUP and PwC.</p> <p>“It will not just serve as a hub for student internships. I am very confident that this hub will set a standard for how we approach learning and professional development through collaboration. Through this hub, it will be easier for students to apply their knowledge in real-life situations” said PUP President Manuel Muhi.</p> <p><strong>PUPians Always a Top Choice for Industries</strong><br /> Joining hundreds of industries that affirm the talent of PUPians, PwC stated that the partnership is worth investing in for their firm.</p> <p>“This is the first in the history of our firm, the first time in the history of our country. This is a big investment for our firm. PwC has always hired graduates from PUP. PUPians are talented but don’t have egos, and they don’t feel entitled. Because of that, they work honestly and depend on nothing but their individual talents,” said the PwC Chairman Emeritus Rick Danao.</p> <p><strong>Game Changer for PUPian Interns</strong><br /> With the new learning and experience hub, PUP interns can easily apply for internship opportunities without having to go to cities, which adds burdens to PUPians who are usually financially challenged.</p> <p>An incoming intern from PUP said that the hub is helpful. Apart from the fact that it is paid, students no longer have to bear traffic and transportation costs. They also showed their excitement towards working under senior experts to guide them in the workplace.</p> <p>“This is a great opportunity for us. We no longer have to worry about the financial burden of commuting, and we get to learn directly from experienced professionals. It’s truly a game-changer for us because we get to learn from top firms in the country,” said Izabel Villarde, an incoming intern at PwC.</p> <p>By providing accessible, paid internships and real-world training, the hub ensures that PUPians remain top choices for industries, driving future success for both students and the broader community.</p> <p><img alt="UP, PwC launch Learning and Experience Hub, first of its kind in PH industry" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/thk2Bn2/2024-07-19-pup-pwc-launch-learning-and-experience-hub-first-of-its-kind-in-ph-industry.jpg" /></p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=aJA8TdjqA6w%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Fri, 19 Jul 2024 16:20:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=aJA8TdjqA6w%3d PUP awards outstanding industry partners Jan Vincent Lanuza, News, Communication Management Office <br/><p>The Polytechnic University of the Philippines conferred a Recognition Award for Collaborative Engagement to its industry partners during the culminating activity of the 2nd Government, Industry, and Academe (GIA) Summit at the Bulwagang Balagtas on July 12.</p> <p>Sectors such as Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA), Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Development (OVPRED), Office of the Vice President for Campus (OVPC), and offices including the Alumni Relations and Career Development Office (ARCDO) and Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance (OSFA) awarded this distinction to the industry partners for their outstanding contributions to the University and for their meaningful partnerships.</p> <p>Vice President for Student Affairs and Services Prof. Tomas Testor, in his welcoming remarks, expressed his sincerest gratitude for the industry partners’ “full support to fostering the culture of excellence and innovation” and to their “generous assistance to our economically challenged but deserving students and for the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in general.”</p> <p>“Our collaborations have been instrumental in enhancing our academic programs and effectively preparing our students in creating their future career and aspirations. We look forward for more successful programs and projects together,” he said.</p> <p>Echoing Testor’s words, University President Manuel Muhi thanked the industry partners, government and non-government organization, and local government for their unwavering aid and engagement to the University’s endeavors.</p> <p>“Your enthusiasm and active involvement are the driving force behind the success of our initiatives. Your contributions, your insights, and innovative ideas are what makes this gathering so impactful. You are the catalyst for change, and it is your commitment to excellence that propels us forward.”</p> <p>He added: “Your participation is a clear indication of the value of your place on collaborative endeavors and your belief in the transformative power of partnerships. It is through your engagement that we can continue to push the boundaries of innovation and development in the education sector.”</p> <p>Representing the industry partners, Engr. Marivic Gaborni, Cloud Solution Architect Executive and Managing Director of Accenture, Inc., pledged to always carry on and enhance the partnerships that they have with the University.</p> <p>“We will continue and strengthen the partnership that we have started. We will collaborate and support for PUP to have access to the latest technology, innovation, and industry-relevant information,” Gaborni promised.</p> <p>ARCDO Director and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Services Engr. Florinda Oquindo ended the event with a call for a harmonious relationship between the government, industry, and the academe to address “the challenges we face and chart a course for a brighter future.”</p> <p>“The road ahead may present challenges ahead but together we are a formidable force. By leveraging the unique strengths of each sector, we can tackle complex issues, foster innovations, and build a more prosperous and sustainable future.” Oquindo said.</p> <p>The Industry Partners awardees are as follows:</p> <p>Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Awardees</p> <ul> <li>AFP Museum and Historical Library Foundation, Inc.</li> <li>Blue Chips Research Consultancy Inc.</li> <li>Boysen Philippines</li> <li>Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)</li> <li>Bureau of Corrections</li> <li>Communication Foundation for Asia</li> <li>Corner Steel Systems Corporation</li> <li>Department of Finance (DOF) Foreign Service Institute (FSI)</li> <li>Department of Social Welfare and Development -National Capital Region</li> <li>DepEd School Division of Marikina</li> <li>DOTr-PRI</li> <li>ESCO Pte Ltd</li> <li>Indra Philippines. Inc.</li> <li>Jollibee Group Foundation</li> <li>Kaohsiung Municipal Fucheng Senior High School</li> <li>Kirsten Autoworks Corporation Mayday Multimedia</li> <li>Navarro, Amper & Co. (Deloitte)</li> <li>Newport World Resorts Manila</li> <li>Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines</li> <li>Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism</li> <li>Philippine Coast Guard, Human Resource Management Command</li> <li>Philippine National Police-Southern Police District, NCRPO</li> <li>Philippine Railways Institute</li> <li>Philippine Statistics Authority - NCR</li> <li>Pricewaterhouse Coopers -PWC Co.</li> <li>SDO San Juan</li> <li>TESDA National Language Skills Center</li> <li>Transcend Performance PH</li> <li>TSUKIDEN GLOBAL SOLUTIONS</li> <li>Universitas Muhammadiya Makassar (UNISMUH)</li> <li>Universitas Pamulang</li> </ul> <p>Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Development Awardees</p> <ul> <li>Department of Science and Technology - Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI)</li> <li>LGU Pililla</li> <li>Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office General Nakar</li> <li>National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)</li> <li>Pambansang Samahan sa Lingguwistika at Literaturang Filipino (PSLLF)</li> <li>Philippine Rice Research Institute Los Baños Pili Drive, UPLB Campus Los Baños, Laguna</li> <li>Societas Ethica Philosophica, Inc. (SEPI)</li> <li>The Municipal Government of General Nakar, Province of Quezon Hon. Eliseo R. Ruzol</li> </ul> <p>Alumni Relations and Career Development Office Awardees</p> <ul> <li>Accenture, Inc.</li> <li>Asia United Bank</li> <li>China Banking Corporation</li> <li>Concentrix Services Pty Ltd.</li> <li>DOLE-NCR Manila Field Office</li> <li>P&A Grant Thornton Outsourcing, Inc. (Punangbayan & Araullo)</li> <li>Personal Collection Direct Selling, Inc.</li> <li>Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation</li> <li>TTEC</li> <li>VXI Global Holding BV Philippines</li> </ul> <p>Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance Awardees</p> <ul> <li>Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Philippines, Inc.</li> <li>Charity First Foundation, Inc.</li> <li>Deltek Systems (Philippines) Ltd.</li> <li>Finastra Philippines, Inc.</li> <li>JAPRL Foundation, Inc.</li> <li>Manila Electric Company One Meralco Foundation</li> <li>PICPA Foundation, Inc.</li> <li>Summerwind Family Resort</li> <li>Vestas Philippines Foundation Inc.</li> </ul> <p>Office of the Vice President for Campus Awardees</p> <ul> <li>5L Solutions Supply and Allied Service Corp.</li> <li>Big Apple Packaging, Inc.</li> <li>DCFE Corporation</li> <li>Grain Founadtion for PWDs, Inc.</li> <li>Hon. Ramil B. Rivera</li> <li>Local Government Unit of Calauan, Laguna</li> <li>Local Government Unit of Ragay, Camarines Sur</li> <li>Local Government Unit of Santa Rosa, Laguna</li> <li>Local Government Unit of Bansud, Oriental Mindoro</li> <li>Local Government Unit of Mariveles, Bataan</li> <li>Marriott Manila Hotel</li> <li>Municipality of Maragondon, Cavite (Local Government Unit)</li> <li>National Capital Region Police Office</li> <li>OKADA Manila</li> <li>Philippine Manufacturing Co. of Murata Inc.</li> <li>Provincial Governor’s Office of Occidental Mindoro</li> <li>Regency Suit Hotel/Mikoto Hotel</li> <li>San Juan National High School</li> <li>Southern Luzon Command (SolCom)</li> <li>Unisan Local Government Unit</li> </ul> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=ECdYknC%2fUSw%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Wed, 17 Jul 2024 08:25:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=ECdYknC%2fUSw%3d ARCDO holds annual Career Fest 2.0 Jan Vincent Lanuza, News, Communication Management Office <br/><p>The PUP Alumni Relations and Career Development Office (ARCDO) held the second and last part of its annual Career Fest from July 10 to 12, 2024, at the PUP Gymnasium to give 3rd and 4th year students access to various industry partners of the University and government institutions to answer their internship and career inquiries.</p> <p>Like the first part of the 2024 Career Fest, this event was also centered on addressing the participants’ needs for career advice, internship opportunities, and application for government-issued IDs—factors that will help them in preparation for their future careers.</p> <p>ARCDO Director Engr. Florinda Oquindo emphasized Career Fest’s significance to the University, particularly to students.</p> <p>“Having various partnerships with our industry partners, it will really go a long way during their journey dito sa University kasi ang establishment mo ng partnerships with the various sectors will really help a lot para whatever ang goals natin, whatever ang objectives natin towards gearing to the objectives that the University has, it will really complement.”</p> <p>(“Having that various partnerships that we have with our industry partners, it will really go a long way during their journey here at University because the establishment of the partnerships with the various sectors will really help a lot so that whatever our goals, whatever our objectives towards gearing to the objectives that the University has, it will really complement.”)</p> <p>The benefactors of this event—the PUPians, recognized the importance of this occasion to their future. Sarahlyn Fuentes, a 3rd Year Diploma in Information Communication Technology (DICT) student, highlighted the essence of this juncture in benefiting students in their career and internship ventures.</p> <p>“My experience with Career Fest 2024 at PUP was great especially for us graduating students that are looking forward towards employment. It really helps us to explore the objectives of other companies that will help to improve our resume,” she said.</p> <p>Rica De Mesa, a 3rd Year Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BSPSY) student was amazed by the eagerness of the companies to go to PUP for this event, stating that it meant that they are aware of the PUPians’ ability and smarts. She also noted the portability of the Career Fest as it gives the students the convenience to talk directly to the industry partners about their corporation, the benefits of joining, and the application requirement, allowing them to gauge and weigh down the best possible career options.</p> <p>The participating companies and government institutions shared their insights pertaining to the Career Fest. Kristine Quiambao, HR Specialist of Unilab stated the vision of the company to help attendees find the right company, while praising PUP students and alumni for their technical and soft skills.</p> <p>“Over the years, we have accepted students from PUP, and we received pretty positive feedback from our hiring managers and the “leads” from Unilab. Sinasabi nila (They said) the graduates from PUP who entered the Unilab workforce na (that) they have a really strong work ethic and soft skills. They have good communication, [and] they are really hard working,” she said.</p> <p>Representatives from other companies, such as Unioil and SSS, also expressed their commendation to PUP students for their dedication, excellence, perseverance, and commitment to their work and naming the University as their preferred source for new recruits.</p> <p>The second part of the Career Fest featured over 30 industry partners such as Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), Destileria Limtuaco, Global Dominion Financing, Inc., and Philippine National Bank (PNB) and four government institutions, including PhilHealth, SSS, Pag-IBIG, and PSA.</p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=A5TTXQ6EqmI%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Tue, 16 Jul 2024 14:56:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=A5TTXQ6EqmI%3d CoEd conducts Siento Benteng Lektura; focuses on micro-credentialing Jude Ignacio, News, College of Education <br/><p>The College of Education (CoEd) recently conducted the Siento Benteng Lektura series titled “Shaping the Future of Higher Education Through Micro-credentialing,” held in Bulwagang Balagtas at 9:00 AM.</p> <p>The Siento Benteng Lektura series aims to deepen the understanding and appreciation of various educational topics as part of the university’s 120th founding anniversary celebration.</p> <p>Dr. Greg Pawilen from the University of the Philippines Los Baños, the guest speaker, discussed how micro-credentialing allows students to pursue professional learning and development through flexible schedules and modes of learning. This approach offers a shorter, competency-based learning period, aligning with the specific needs of various fields.</p> <p>Micro-credentialing was presented as a method that facilitates easier and more effective knowledge acquisition. It brings the university experience to students while simultaneously integrating professionals into the academic environment. This reduces the gap between learners and their learning opportunities.</p> <p>During the Q&A session, both in-person attendees and participants via Zoom raised questions about the potential challenges and the recognition of micro-credentials in the country. Dr. Pawilen addressed these concerns, providing promising responses and highlighting the potential of micro-credentialing in enhancing higher education.</p> <p>The lecture was also attended by participants from various campuses of PUP.</p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=YcmWwdTZLes%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Mon, 15 Jul 2024 08:17:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=YcmWwdTZLes%3d ITech hosts Research Exhibit 2024 PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila, News, Institute of Technology <br/><p>The Institute of Technology (ITech) successfully hosted a three-day Research Colloquium, Symposium, and Exhibit themed “Exploring Opportunities and Challenges in Emerging Technologies” from June 3-5, 2024, at the PUP Main Campus Bulwagang Balagtas, 4th floor NALRC.</p> <p>Engr. Ramir M. Cruz, Dean of the Institute of Technology, opened the event with remarks that congratulated and encouraged the participants on their research endeavors. He highlighted the DEET students’ creation of a “Solar-Powered Charging Station” situated at the Institute, demonstrating the practical application of science to benefit humanity.</p> <p>This aligned with the insights shared by the first day’s keynote speaker, Dr. Edison E. Mojica, Chairperson of the Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering. Dr. Mojica emphasized the power of AI in our daily lives and its intersection with sustainable consumption and production, a theme further explored by Assoc. Prof. Jimmy M. Fernando, the day two speaker, who discussed the environmental impact of technological advancements.</p> <p>The event concluded with an exhibit featuring 27 booths showcasing various research projects and technological innovations. Attendees had the chance to explore these prototypes in detail, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and knowledge. Among the notable projects were LadderEase, Bambuyan, and Interlink. A standout project was the oil filtration method using kapok and hair, which drew significant attention for its innovative approach and practical application.</p> <p>The Technology Research 2024 provided students and faculty to unveil their research and innovation to push the boundaries of technological advancement to address real-world problems efficiently.</p> <p><img alt="ITech hosts Research Exhibit 2024" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/tYMGLQs/2024-07-12-itech-hosts-research-exhibit-2024-1.jpg" /><br /> <sub><strong>Photo source:</strong> Congratulations and Heartfelt Thanks to All!. (2024, June 6). PUP Institute of Technology Research and Extension Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/wUfTcSDKdiBbGhoP/</sub><br /> <br /> <img alt="ITech hosts Research Exhibit 2024" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/4jHPpNR/2024-07-12-itech-hosts-research-exhibit-2024-2.jpg" /><br /> <sub><strong>Photo source:</strong> Congratulations and Heartfelt Thanks to All!. (2024, June 6). PUP Institute of Technology Research and Extension Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/wUfTcSDKdiBbGhoP/</sub></p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=jrLFpIyBrw8%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Fri, 12 Jul 2024 11:27:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=jrLFpIyBrw8%3d Grad school and MMDA forge partnership to enhance statistical proficiency Laurence P. Usona, News, Graduate School <br/><p>PUP Graduate School and the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) have officially signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) aimed at bolstering statistical proficiency and leveraging data-driven decision-making to help both parties.</p> <p>The signing ceremony took place on June 4, 2024, at the Danilo Lim Conference Room, 19th floor, New MMDA Head Office Building, Julia Vargas Avenue, Pasig City. The event was attended by Dr. Ana Ruby P. Gapasin, Vice President for Research, Extension and Development, and Atty. Romando “Don” Artes, MMDA Chairman. Representatives from both PUP and MMDA were also present, heralding a new era of cooperation in statistical education and research.</p> <p>The collaboration will feature a range of training programs and seminars tailored to meet the needs of diverse audiences, including officials, staff, and researchers. The programs include:</p> <ol> <li>Introductory Statistical Methods</li> <li>Advanced Statistical Techniques</li> <li>Training on Statistical Software</li> <li>Applied Statistics Workshops</li> <li>Research Methodology and Data Management</li> </ol> <p>This partnership highlights the significance of collaboration which aims to advance statistical education and research and promoting a culture of data-driven decision-making, particularly in the field of urban planning and metropolitan development.</p> <p>The MOA includes ongoing evaluation and enhancement to ensure the programs remain relevant and effective. By pooling their expertise and resources, both institutions aim to create a robust framework for statistical training and research, ultimately contributing to more informed decision-making and improved public service.</p> <p><img alt="Grad school and MMDA forge partnership to enhance statistical proficiency" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/4SGCb1K/2024-07-11-grad-school-and-mmda-forge-partnership-to-enhance-statistical-proficiency-1.jpg" /></p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=BQoJgXZ1Kls%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:31:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=BQoJgXZ1Kls%3d University inks MOA with Destileria Limtuaco Jan Vincent Lanuza, News, Communication Management Office <br/><p>The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) has signed a Memorandum of Agreement MOA with wine distillery company Destileria Limtuaco during a signing ceremony held at the Destileria Limtuaco Museum, Intramuros, Manila, June 13.</p> <p>Led by the Alumni Relations and Career Development Office (ARCDO), the two parties aim to provide more opportunities for student internships for the Iskolar ng Bayan.</p> <p>Under the agreement, both the University and the Destileria Limtuaco agreed to establish “an Internship Program as part of its curriculum… designed to supplement the learnings and to train students to become competitive and technologically innovative professionals through actual exposure to a professional workplace or through the online platform to address the new normal brought about by COVID-19.”</p> <p>ARCDO Director Florinda H. Oquindo noted the similarities of their goals—to help students find their footing and niche in the industry that they are trying to enter.</p> <p>“It is with great pride and joy for PUPians to share common goals and intentions with our industry partners. It is with great confidence that we may be able to achieve the mutual objective of providing quality education that would lead our students into the path of a successful future career. That is our hope for our Iskolar ng Bayan,” she said.</p> <p>Destileria Limtuaco Executive Vice President Aaron James Limpe-Aw hopes that this MOA will bring upon a prosperous relationship and entice PUPians to join the company, particularly on the technical side of business such as in research and development, engineering, sales, and accountancy while expressing his excitement towards working with them.</p> <p>“We have been seeing a lot that PUP is the preferred university for employers. So, we really sought out PUP as a partner in our recruitment. Another reason is because we are well-aware that PUP has a wide range of programs that it offers to its students. So, it is really a one stop shop for our recruitment process.”</p> <p>Destileria Limtuaco & Co, Inc. is the top exporter of distilled spirits and quality leader in the Philippine liquor industry as well as the oldest extant alcohol distillery in the country. With a rich history spanning 172 years, the company continues its commitment to provide services to Filipinos through products such as whiskey, brandy, sangria cocktails, craft spirits, gin, cordial and syrups, rum, tequila-flavored spirits and mixers, vodka, ready to drink alcoholic beverages, herbal wine, and wine.</p> <p><img alt="University inks MOA with Destileria Limtuaco" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/7SgNrfp/2024-07-08-university-inks-moa-with-destileria-limtuaco-1.jpg" /></p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=3f%2b1uk4NloE%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:51:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=3f%2b1uk4NloE%3d Biology researchers shine in Manila Health conference Ryan Labana, News, Research Institute for Science and Technology <br/><p>Researchers from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) showcased their expertise at the Metro Manila Health Research and Development Consortium’s (MMHRDC) 8th International Symposium and 15th Annual Scientific Conference. This prestigious three-day event, hosted by Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU), featured pre-conference activities and presentations at the OLFU Rise Tower on June 18, 2024, followed by the main conference at Novotel Hotel and Resorts in Araneta City, Quezon City, on June 19-20, 2024.</p> <p>Esteemed scientists and professionals worldwide gathered to share their outputs, focusing on “Synergistic Forces in Advancing Global Health: Leveraging the Interplay of Health, Scholarship, Technology, and Humanity.” The event emphasized interdisciplinary collaboration to advance global health.</p> <p>Guided by Dr. Lourdes Alvarez, two groups of BS Biology students from PUP participated in the mural presentation for the undergraduate category. Laird Kyle Aguinaldo, Jazmine Dana Bote, and Sophia Veron Cruz presented their study titled “Screening of the Potential Larvicidal Activity of the EPF Gamszarea sp. Against Aedes aegypti Larvae,” which aimed to control the spread of disease-carrying-mosquitoes. Their innovative research earned them an impressive 2nd place.</p> <p>Another group, consisting of Kent Jabagat, Angelika Pore, and Cherry Laungayan, presented their study entitled “Microbial Inactivation on Reusable PPE Fabrics Using Gaseous Ozone and UVC Radiation.” This research focused on advancements in personal protective equipment, highlighting critical developments in safety measures for healthcare and industrial environments.</p> <p>In the professional category, Assoc. Prof. Ryan V. Labana represented PUP with his study “Exploring First-Aid Response for Box Jellyfish Envenomation in Southern Luzon’s Coastal Communities: A Conceptual Modelling Approach.” This research provided crucial strategies for addressing jellyfish stings in coastal areas, securing him a commendable 3rd place in the podium/oral presentation (Professional Category).</p> <p>The achievements of PUP’s representatives at the MMHRDC symposium highlight the university’s commitment to fostering high-quality research and contributing to global health advancements. These accolades honor PUP and underscore the significant role of academic research in addressing urgent health challenges. PUP’s ongoing support and mentorship, exemplified by Dr. Lourdes Alvarez, continue cultivating a strong culture of research excellence. The university remains dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and promoting innovative solutions to enhance public health and safety locally and globally.</p> <p><img alt="Biology researchers shine in Manila Health conference" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/p3pPV8W/2024-06-28-biology-researchers-shine-in-manila-health-conference-1.jpg" /></p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=1yoXpr2RJSQ%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:19:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=1yoXpr2RJSQ%3d PUP delegates are overall champions in HackFest 2024 Mikaela C. Payong, News, PUP Campus Journalists <br/><p>In a stunning display of technical innovation and creativity, the team “Diwata Overcode” from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) emerged as champion at HackFest 2024: Fusion, organized by Google Developer Students Clubs Loyola (GDSC-L) and Globe Telecom, at the Ateneo de Manila on Saturday, May 4, 2024.</p> <p>Diwata Overcode, composed of Computer Science students Xiang Cheng, Gladwin Ferdz, Infanta DelRosario, Vash Puno, and Arjay Rosel, clinched victory by developing a cutting-edge business education platform with a mobile app interface tailored to teach business concepts and ideas in a way that appeals to Gen Z, encouraging them to explore entrepreneurship as a viable career path.</p> <p>“The primary reason why students struggle to become entrepreneurs is that they lack the fundamental knowledge needed to become business owners themselves. However, it goes beyond that. Our platform provides students with ways to be motivated to continue and persevere,” Del Rosario, one of the members, explained.</p> <p>Furthermore, Del Rosario highlighted that the platform acts as a bridge to the business industry, empowering students to realize their entrepreneurial potential through an engaging interface tailored for Gen Z.</p> <p>Throughout the 12-day competition, which featured 35 teams from across the country, Diwata Overcode navigated team-building activities and learning sessions to develop and present their solution to the hackathon challenge.</p> <p>“The win means a lot to us,” Del Rosario shared.</p> <p>“At first, we were intimidated by the large number of competitors and their schools, some of which had well-known names. But, later on, as we realized the potential of our skills, we were encouraged by the potential of our capabilities. This became our motivation to persevere and continue,” he added.</p> <p>Joining Diwata Overcode in representing PUP, team “Iskode,” composed of computer engineering students Kyne Domerei Laggui, Amado Niño Rei Punzalan, Aira Altis Estur, and Joseph Buhain, secured fourth place.</p> <p>PUP also fielded several other teams in the competition, including HGlarchies, S&T Innovatives, SSTech, and Sobrang Inet sa PUP, each contributing to the university’s strong representation</p> <p>Celebrating their success, Diwata Overcode hopes their achievement will inspire fellow PUPians to participate in hackathons and similar competitions, sharing how their team’s journey from formation to reaching the top 10 highlighted their potential growth and skill development.</p> <p>“When Arjay, Xian, Vash, and I (Gladwin) formed our team, we were just regular members of our organizations who joined for the experience. However, as we progressed to the top 10, we realized that we could achieve more than we initially thought, utilizing both our known skills and gaining new ones along the way,” Del Rosario said.</p> <p>HackFest 2024 featured technical workshops, webinars, consultations, and a hackathon, challenging students to devise innovative solutions to the prompt, “How can we entice Gen Z budding entrepreneurs to join Amway as business owners?”</p> <p><img alt="PUP delegates are overall champions in HackFest 2024" class="image image-full" src="https://i.ibb.co/mJKGm6Z/2024-06-28-pup-delegates-are-overall-champions-in-hackfest-2024-1.jpg" /></p> <br/><a href="http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=5wpLy2KsXjQ%3d">View this article in PUPWebSite</a> Fri, 28 Jun 2024 11:57:00 GMT http://www.pup.edu.ph/news/?go=5wpLy2KsXjQ%3d