Jan Vincent Lanuza, News, Communication Management Office
The Polytechnic University of the Philippines conferred a Recognition Award for Collaborative Engagement to its industry partners during the culminating activity of the 2nd Government, Industry, and Academe (GIA) Summit at the Bulwagang Balagtas on July 12.
Sectors such as Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA), Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Development (OVPRED), Office of the Vice President for Campus (OVPC), and offices including the Alumni Relations and Career Development Office (ARCDO) and Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance (OSFA) awarded this distinction to the industry partners for their outstanding contributions to the University and for their meaningful partnerships.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Services Prof. Tomas Testor, in his welcoming remarks, expressed his sincerest gratitude for the industry partners’ “full support to fostering the culture of excellence and innovation” and to their “generous assistance to our economically challenged but deserving students and for the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in general.”
“Our collaborations have been instrumental in enhancing our academic programs and effectively preparing our students in creating their future career and aspirations. We look forward for more successful programs and projects together,” he said.
Echoing Testor’s words, University President Manuel Muhi thanked the industry partners, government and non-government organization, and local government for their unwavering aid and engagement to the University’s endeavors.
“Your enthusiasm and active involvement are the driving force behind the success of our initiatives. Your contributions, your insights, and innovative ideas are what makes this gathering so impactful. You are the catalyst for change, and it is your commitment to excellence that propels us forward.”
He added: “Your participation is a clear indication of the value of your place on collaborative endeavors and your belief in the transformative power of partnerships. It is through your engagement that we can continue to push the boundaries of innovation and development in the education sector.”
Representing the industry partners, Engr. Marivic Gaborni, Cloud Solution Architect Executive and Managing Director of Accenture, Inc., pledged to always carry on and enhance the partnerships that they have with the University.
“We will continue and strengthen the partnership that we have started. We will collaborate and support for PUP to have access to the latest technology, innovation, and industry-relevant information,” Gaborni promised.
ARCDO Director and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Services Engr. Florinda Oquindo ended the event with a call for a harmonious relationship between the government, industry, and the academe to address “the challenges we face and chart a course for a brighter future.”
“The road ahead may present challenges ahead but together we are a formidable force. By leveraging the unique strengths of each sector, we can tackle complex issues, foster innovations, and build a more prosperous and sustainable future.” Oquindo said.
The Industry Partners awardees are as follows:
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Awardees
Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Development Awardees
Alumni Relations and Career Development Office Awardees
Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance Awardees
Office of the Vice President for Campus Awardees
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