
The history of PUP may well parallel the nation's growth and development. As it met the needs of a fledgling Philippine civil service under American rule forged from anvil of Spanish colonialism, so will it serve the rising expectations of the people in the 21st century...desirous now of reclaiming their rightful place in the community of independent nations. As it has withstood the test of time, so will it continue to pace contemporary Philippine history.

Here are the highlights of its growth from a mere business school with an itinerant existence to the country's largest state university. Scroll down to view the PUP history timeline.



Humble beginnings as a Business School

In response to the demand for training personnel for the government service and to the felt need to provide skills essential for private business employment, the Manila Business School was founded on October 19, 1904 as part of a City School system under the superintendence of G. A. O'Reilly.

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On becoming a College

Through Republic Act (RA) 778 passed by both houses of Congress on May 20, 1952 and signed by then Philippine President Elpidio Quirino on June 21, 1952, the PSC was converted into the Philippine College of Commerce (PCC).

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Transforming into a University

During this period, the PCC was converted into a chartered state university and accordingly renamed Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) through Presidential Decree (PD) 1341. This led to the broadening of course offerings and the restructure/streamlining of the University's administrative organization.

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Education as an equalizer

This period brought about a dramatic change in the University and reaffirmed its commitment to education as an equalizing instrument in the development of the youth in preparation for their role and responsibility in the progress and development of the nation.

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Change is constant

To keep pace with changing conditions, the University underwent continuous change. During this period, the first lady president of the University was appointed, the first University president underwent a selection committee, a series of infrastructure projects were made, and an ICT infrastructure was built.

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At the turn of the millennium

PUP celebrated its centenary during this period. It has gone far from what it was more than a century ago. PUP continues to be a partner in nation-building and in poverty alleviation for the marginalized sector of society with quality, responsive, and relevant education as a tool.

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Towards an epistemic community

The University has been and has sustained its role as a worthy catalyst of change for the improvement and raising the quality of lives of its graduates and their families being the centerpiece of its mission as a state university. PUP continues to make significant contributions to the social and economic development of our country.

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