The institution's transformation from a college into a university happened during these period.
1972When martial law was declared, Dr. Narciso Albaraccin, Jr. was designated Officer-in-Charge (OIC), with Dr. Pablo T. Mateo, Jr. as Performance Officer. Among the changes under Albaraccin were:
1973Dr. Isabelo T. Crisostomo succeeded Albaraccin as OIC.
Dr. Isabelo T. Crisostomo
1974The following developments came in the wake of Dr. Crisostomo's appointment as Acting President:
1975The PCC opened its branch in the Bataan Export Processing Zone (BEPZ), Mariveles, Bataan.
1976The Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) was reestablished, the Master of Public Administration (MPA) and the Master in Economics (ME) programs were added in the Graduate School, and the various offices were re-structured.
1977After Dr. Mateo became president in May 1977, the ladder program was expanded to all degree courses; 13 additional degree courses using the ladder approach were introduced. The "techno-business" curriculum was developed, and introduced were adult business education and non-degree courses in business/distributive arts.
Dr. Pablo T. Mateo
1978Through Presidential Decree (PD) 1341, PCC was converted into a chartered state university and accordingly renamed Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). This led to the broadening of course offerings and the restructure/streamlining of the University's administrative organization.
1979Among the accomplishments of this period were:
1983In spite of the country's economic difficulties, PUP's 71 ladderized technical and professional programs continued to be viable. There were significant accomplishments like:
1984The University underwent reorganization. It adopted the "cluster colleges" set-up, where each college prepared the program and supervised all the subjects required in the degree program offered in the college. It set up a University Center for Technological Research, the function of which was to conduct research and produce inventions/innovations in technology areas most needed by the communities served by PUP. For lack of sufficient rooms, laboratories, and related facilities, the University considered the completion of the 5th floor of the XYZ-Main Academic Building a top priority in its infrastructure program.
The PUP also established a tie-up with the University of Life in the training of trainors/project managers needed in the KKK program, as well as with the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, and the NACIDA in these agencies' continuing training program to upgrade their personnel.
1985That school year was an uneasy one...
Next: 1986-1990
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