The BSBA course, with Human Resource Development Management as its major, aims to prepare the graduates for a career in the specialized field of Human Resource Management which are essentially found in the manufacturing and marketing areas and related services basically established in industries such as pharmaceutical, semi-conductor, food and beverage, banking industries and other types of organizations.
In general, the normal evolution of the Human Resource (HR) profession can be found in the various stages of development of an enterprise. As it grows, HR gets involved in the administrative processes to ensure consistency in the handling and management of people. Moreover, HR assists line managers towards the right acquisition and development of skills and competencies of employees.
Given this rationale, the employees are in a better position to become competitive and responsive to global changes
Admission requirements for the BSBA-HRDM programs are as follows:
The College being a branch of the University and in consonance with the academic rules, the students must comply the following:
Specific Professions, Careers, Occupation
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