PUP College of Communication provides responsive and sustainable media and communication programs through transformative pedagogy for empowered local and global media and communication professionals.
The administrative offices secure all the academic needs of the students in their respective programs, and facilitate the academic and administrative requirements of the college and its entities.
The Research and Extension office has the following functions:
Provide continuous consultative services to government and non-governmental organizations especially on the relevant expertise of the College such as public information, communication campaigns, community organizations, community education, etc.
Strengthen the existing tie-up with international organizations and explore for possible collaborative programs and projects with other international agencies like the Japan International Cooperating Agency (JICA), The Japanese Embassy, United States Agency for Intercultural Development (USAID), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Organization of Journalists (OIJ), Asian Media and Information Centre (AMIC), International Communication Association (ICA), and others.
Strengthen the existing tie-up with the national and local media and education organizations like the Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE), Philippine Communication Society (PCS), Philippine Information Agency (PIA), RTV Malacanang, National Press Club (NPC), National Commission for Culture and the Arts,(NCCA) Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas,(KBP) and other State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the country.
Establish good linkage with local broadcast networks like ABS-CBN, GMA 7, PTV 4, IBC 13, RPN 9, ABC 5, etc. and newspaper publishing companies like Philippine Daily Inquirer, Journal Group of Companies, Philippine Star, etc. to ensure involvement as primordial concern to help the needy sectors of society.
The College of Communication through its three academic Programs has been conducting community development programs to its different barangays for several years now. This has been religiously followed as a result of the AACUP's suggestions. True enough; the Second Level Accreditation has identified the Area of Extension Services and Community involvement as one of the strengths of the Department.
Provide continuous monitoring and evaluation of these community projects to be able to identify the communities which have already reached the “saturation point” and search for other communities that might need help and attention.
Emphasize the need for SELF-RELIANCE by linking with business sectors, which could serve as donors/patrons of the College's projects especially for the needed technology and equipment.
In charge of the collection of print and electronic information resources while it conserves and preserves the historical documents and materials that form part of the valuable past of the college
It should take care of all the library holdings like books, audio visual materials, archives, theses and dissertations, and other collections.
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