If the student has not taken undergraduate courses in a field of specialization, he is required to take eighteen (18) units of qualifying courses to be determined by the Academic Program Chairperson unless otherwise specified in the curriculum;
The student may take more than the prescribed units in any distribution in the curriculum to meet his career objective and professional needs;
Free electives may be chosen from among the courses offered which are outside the required subjects in the student’s curriculum;
If the student has completed courses substantially equivalent to the required courses, he may waive the latter by application to the Dean.
The Master in Psychology (MP) is a practitioner’s degree. The Field Practicum should focus on an applied program/project that the student will undertake in his/her chosen area of practice. At the end of the practicum period, the student should write a Final Report detailing, among other things, the objectives of the program/project, the activities undertaken to meet the objectives, the student’s involvement in the program/project in his/her area of practice.
The Master in Psychology is envisioned as an outstanding graduate program offering of the University.
To produce psychologists who are professionally competent, ethically and morally upright, socially and environmentally concerned and dedicated to the service of God, countrymen and nation.
Specialization: Clinical Psychology
Specialization: Industrial Psychology
Specialization: School Psychology
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