Jan Vincent Lanuza, News, Communication Management Office
The Provident Fund Board of Trustees (BOT) held the 9th Annual General Assembly at Claro M. Recto Hall and at Zoom Teleconference on March 26, to inform all Provident Fund Members of all matters concerning the said fund in the year 2024, state the financial wellbeing of the fund, and to provide better services to its members.
Vice President for Campus and Provident Fund Board of Trustees Chairman Pascualito Gatan stated that the meeting hopes to foster trust between members and officials and to ensure to everyone that the University has their backs in times of financial emergencies.
“This is a big help. It lessens the problems of our people somehow so that they can concentrate on their jobs better, which in turn helps the University.” VP Gatan stated.
Alongside BOT Chairman Gatan who presented the Chairman’s Report at the meeting, other members of the Board were there as well to exhibit several reports, namely Vice President for Student Affairs and Services Tomas Testor who gave out the Opening Remarks of the event; University Library Director Marcela Figura who proclaimed the Reading and Approval of the Minutes of the General Assembly held last March 28, 2023; Vice President for Planning and Finance and BOT Vice-Chairman Alberto Guillo reported the Vice-Chairman’s Financial Report as well as the Declaration and Approval of Dividends for 2023.
Central Records Office Director Grace Udaundo showed the audience the Board Approved Resolutions; Assistant to the Vice President for Planning and Finance Sharon Joy Pelayo and Accounting Office’s Project Accounting Section Chief Mark Clessdy Reyes oversaw the Open Forum to address the concerns of Provident Fund Members; and Human Resource Management Department Director Atty. Michelle Kristine Saraum stated the closing remarks of the event.
The Provident Fund is a voluntary savings program established to aid employees in times of emergency with minimal interest. In the University, it serves to benefit both administrative and faculty members.
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