, News, PUP Paranaque City Campus
The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Parañaque City Campus made a significant impact at the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Society (ICMASS), which took place on December 12-13, 2024, at the York Hotel in Singapore. This prestigious conference brought together scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and industry leaders from around the globe to discuss critical issues such as climate change, socioeconomic inequalities, and resource depletion.
The conference recognized exceptional research and presentations from delegates across the globe. Amongst the participants, PUP delegates stood out for their ingenious studies as they received numerous awards, serving as a testament to the robust, dynamic, diverse, and committed research culture of the University.
On the first day of the conference, John Christopher H. Prias, alongside Mila Joy J. Martinez, Ma. Via D. Ocampo, and Carl Dominick S. Aglibar was awarded the Best Paper for their research titled “Evaluating Brand Authenticity in Tourism Rebranding and Its Impact on Destination Image: Experience as Moderator”.
Campus Director Sheryl R. Morales and Roque S. Morales won the Best Paper in the 2nd Day, Session 1 for their “Revisiting Indigenous Islamic Practices for Community Healing and Peacebuilding”. In addition, Hazel DR. Samala from PUP Sta. Mesa Campus was the Best Paper Presenter in Session 2 for her “Women middle managers in higher education institutions: A literature review, Department-College of Education” research.
With participation from universities across countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia, ICMASS served as a platform for sharing innovative research and fostering international collaboration. Keynote speakers of this event included Alan Tupicoff from the Australia & New Zealand Institute of Sustainable Management (ANZISM), Dr. Ali Sorayyaei Azar of the Universiti Malaya (UM), Atty. Ryan Legisniana Estevez from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and Dr. Ömer Solak from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) in Turkey.
The conference concluded with a strong call for enhanced interdisciplinary and international collaboration to tackle sustainability challenges effectively. Engr. Darshan Surya Sahu, Operational Director of GRAISI Foundation and ARL, emphasized the necessity of collective action and innovative thinking to foster sustainable solutions globally.
ICMASS 2024 not only highlighted groundbreaking research but also reinforced the importance of partnerships among diverse stakeholders committed to achieving sustainability goals worldwide.
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