The Campus has a Gymnasium, though not yet completely finished until this time.It serves as venue for PE and NSTP classes.Orientation and recognition programs, department weeks, founding celebration, and commencement exercises are usually held in this venue.It can accommodate less than a thousand audience.
There are two computer laboratory rooms.Each laboratory room has 32 PCs with internet access linked to a computer server room.PUPSMBC is a WI-FI campus.
HRM and Hospitality Management students use this facility for their food and culinary subjects and food and beverages preparations.These laboratories also serve as classrooms.
Engineering, HRM/HM and Information Technology students hold the laboratory component of their Science classes in this room, equipped with basic equipment and chemicals.
Exclusively for students, they can stay in this room during vacant periods or to take rest after their school-related activities.
This is exclusively used by BS Civil Engineering students for their drafting, drawing, and design subjects.
This facility was installed to reinforce and assist the students taking up Speech/Language classes.
This learning hub serves to supplement the needs of the students to broaden their knowledge in their respective fields of studies.The center has twenty-one personal computers with internet access.
Out of two to three “collapsible classrooms,” this AVR, used for seminars/workshops purposes, can accommodate three hundred or more audience.
As part of the student services, the guidance office and clinic is manned by a registered nurse who attends to medical needs of all students and faculty members.
A building exclusively constructed for students taking up BS HRM and BS HM students.This serves as a simulator where students are exposed to the different operations of a hotel like housekeeping and food and beverage preparations.There is a lounge area, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a mini-bar.
Scholastic records of students are kept in this office. External publics making inquiries regarding admission of new and returning students as well as transferees are accommodated here.
A spacious room exclusive for faculty members only.General faculty meetings are also held here.It has internet connection through the provision of a WI-FI facility.
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