This department offers the program Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management (BSBA-HRM) is a four-year program designed to prepare the graduates in a career in People Management, with a strong foundation of a holistic approach in business administration, and the application of Human Resource (HR) strategies which includes Talent Management, Compensation Management, Training and Development, Labor and Employee Relations, Performance Management, HR Analytics, and Organization Development. This program engages the students in diverse national and global business situations leading to proficiency in Risk Management and Good Governance of emerging Human Resource Management technologies producing HR professionals imbued with values-based competencies contributory to the effective and efficient management of human resources across all functions of business regardless of industry.
The BSBA Major in Marketing Management is an undergraduate program which aims to provide students with the essential knowledge, skills, and values required of a marketing professional. The course aims to equip students with a strong foundation in marketing management theories and other related concepts that will prepare them for careers in the creation, delivery and promotion of products and services for target markets.
Through theoretical and experiential learning approaches using traditional and flexible learning modalities, the program aims to produce graduates who are adaptive, analytical and have the capacity to convey their ideas through written, oral and digital means. Guided by the PUP values, the course likewise envisions graduates with leadership skills, ethical values, service orientation, and readiness to take on the demands of the industry, government, and other sectors, locally and globally.
The Bachelor of Science in Office Administration is a four-year degree program using ladderized curriculum. Its two areas of specialization are Legal Transcription and Medical Transcription from which students choose on his/her start of the third-year level.
The program is designed to equip its graduates with the professional skills and competencies needed to meet the needs of the workplace, whether in general business, legal, or the medical offices.
This department offers the program Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
The Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BS Entrep) is a four-year course offered in the College of Business, which is designed to provide undergraduate students with an in-depth understanding and appreciation of new venture operations in small business enterprises. It aims to equip young students with an entrepreneurial spirit to realize a vibrant and developing economy in the hands of Filipinos and develop desirable qualities of leadership, social concern, and moral values among them.
The curriculum for BS Entrepreneurship is made up of a minimum of 156 units, including the required General Education, or GE curriculum. It covers all major functional areas required in planning, setting up, and running a business.
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