The program is a ladderized curriculum which provides students with specific skills and competencies applicable to a particular career in Transportation Management should they intend to work while studying. Students receive a Certificate in Transport Office Operations upon one year completion, an Associate in Transport Supervision and Reservations in the second year, a Diploma in Transportation Management in the third year, and a Degree in Bachelor in Transportation Management upon completion of the program.
The program prepares individuals to plan, administer and coordinate physical transportation operations, networks and systems. Includes instruction in transportation systems and technologies, traffic logistics and distribution, multi and intermodal transportation systems, regional integration, transport supervision and reservation. Graduates are expected to operate and manage terminal, carriers and facilities including its vehicle, passenger and cargo traffic. Other competencies of students revolve around transportation planning and finance, demand analysis and forecasting, carrier management, behavioral issues, transportation policy and law, intelligent systems, transport documentation of passengers and cargos, and application to aviation, maritime, rail and highway facilities and systems.
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