See also: PUPGSEE-CPSPA step-by-step procedure
The PUP College of Political Science and Public Administration is accepting online application for its GSEE-CPSPA for the First Semester, Academic Year 2024-2025 .
A FRIENDLY REMINDER: Before applying online, make sure that you already have your 2 x 2 inch colored photo, taken recently with white background, in formal pose, with complete name tag, saved as JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg and file size is not more than 300 kilobytes) in your computer or USB device.
A student who wishes to be admitted in a doctorate degree program must comply with the following prerequisites:
Each program may impose/recommend additional requirements
An applicant with a non-thesis master's degree shall be required to enroll in Thesis Writing, pass the Oral Defense and submit final copies of the paper to the Registrar's Office before taking doctorate program.
Applicants who meet all the prerequisites for admission in the degree program applied for and passed the interviews by the Program Chair and/or the Dean shall submit to the School Registrar the following documents:
Tuition per unit:Php 750.00 for Master's degree programPhp 1,000.00 for Doctorate degree program
Miscellaneous fees: Php 1,725.00
Note: Rates are subject to change without prior notice
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